Director's Message
421 Don Williams Drive
Welcome to Carrousel School! Carrousel School houses the Douglas School District’s Early Intervention program. All Carrousel staff work to make this experience a positive, nurturing one. We help each child develop the social skills of positive relationships, self-discipline, and problem-solving. Using the South Dakota Early Learning Guidelines, we develop academic skills, creativity, and positive approaches to learning.
In addition to early intervention preschool services, Carrousel houses the Douglas School District’s special services staff. Support programs of special education, related services, English as a Second Language, and Family Services have offices at Carrousel School. The Carrousel School is the contact point for the district’s home school and central testing.
The Carrousel staff and I look forward to working with you. All children are important to us. Together with parents and the community, we can provide all students with a quality education experience.
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Director of Special Services