The Douglas School District is excited to offer Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) to our families for the 2025-2026 school year. Please find the attached Informational flyer and details below:
Douglas School District Pre-Kindergarten Registration Waitlist
Douglas School District is excited to offer Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) to our families for the 2025-2026 school year.
To qualify for Pre-K, a child must be:
- 4 years old on or before September 1, 2025
- reside in Douglas School District boundaries (provide proof of residence)
- complete this form (Registration Waitlist)
- If approved, attend Pre-K screening in April 2025 (appointments will be scheduled with families upon approval)
- Must be fully potty-trained
Priority enrollment will be given to students meeting at least ONE or more of the criteria below. If your child does not meet any of the above criteria, the student may still be enrolled, pending space availability.
- educationally disadvantaged according to state standards
- meets federal guidelines for free and reduced lunch (form must be completed)
- child's parent is an active duty member of the armed forces or was killed or injured while serving in active duty
- qualifies for English Language services (the household or child speaks another language besides English)
- is currently or has been in foster care or homeless
- child comes from a single-parent household or a teenage parent
- qualifies for special education and/or speech services
Please remember that this is only a pre-qualification step, and completing this form does not qualify your child for Pre-K services. A Douglas Team Member will be in contact with you by the last week in April 2025 on the next steps. Final enrollment selections will be made, and parents will be notified no later than May 15th.
Questions: Contact Douglas Central Office, 605.923.1018
Thank you, and we are excited to offer this service to the Douglas School District.
DSD Central Office