Welcome to the Douglas School District! The 2020-21 new student registration opens on July 1. Please read all registration information provided on the Student Registration page under the Parent tab before completing the online portion. The link is located at the bottom of the page.
You must be custodial parent / legal guardian living in the Douglas School District to register your student(s). In order to complete the registration, you will need to call for an appointment to bring your photo ID and other required documents to the Central Registrar.  The phone number is 923-0017 or the main Central Office phone number is 923-0000. 
Starting July 27 through August 6, appointments will be scheduled for Monday-Thursday from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. You will report to the Vandenberg Elementary School computer lab. Only one custodial parent should attend the appointment; and no children should come in the building.  Please wear a mask.  Thank you for your cooperation.